Friday, August 7, 2009


Last week I was fortunate enough to go visit the hubby in jolly old England!!! If you haven't noticed, I speak with an English accent quite often so I felt right at home! It was so amazing to be there, we stayed in Cambridge where Chris is taking classes for the summer and we were able to go into London 3 of the days. It was an awesome experience that I will never forget and I'm so grateful that I was able to do it!!!! Here are a few of the billion pictures I took:) In random order.....

This is in front of the huge library Chris goes to everyday to study

National Gallery

Inside Wicked. Thanks Kathy for awesome seats to the best show! I have been practicing so I can be in Wicked someday:)

Westminster Abbey. It was so ginormous

Cool view of Big Ben and the London Eye

Parthenon Exhibit at the British Museum

The Rosetta Stone

Me and Chris in front of the British Museum

Kathy and I searched for these everywhere we went! Delicious softee icecream with chocolate sticks

This is a view from the back side of Kings College


Tower of London

Tower Bridge

View from St. Paul's Cathedral (Kathy and I walked up so many stairs my legs were shaking!!)

St. Paul's Cathedral

That bridge is in the new Harry Potter!

The London Eye

Big Ben

Platform 9 and 3/4!!!

Kings Cross Station. This is on Harry Potter too!!! Yes, I'm obsessed with Harry Potter.

One of my favorite things about England is all the beautiful flowers they have everywhere!! I was a bit obsessed.

The entrance to Kings College

Walking down the streets of Cambridge

More pretty flowers:)

The oldest building in Cambridge

St. Johns College

The river in Cambridge where everyone goes punting

St. Johns

We ate delicious Indian food at "The Gandhi"

American Memorial from WWll

Inside Kings Chapel

Me outside of my FAVORITE store in England. Ark!

Chris's dining hall. I totally felt like I was in Harry Potter land!!

Punting on the river tour

Kings College. This is where Chris is studying


Buckingham Palace

Wicked!! Probably my favorite thing ever:)


Jamie said...

I'm a lot jealous of all the things you got to see and do! And when the freak did your hair get so long?!

Kendall said...

harry potter and wicked in the same trip! i am so geleous!!

Darin and Kali said...

Wow! What a fun trip! I love all of the harry potter stuff! How much longer does Chris have? I'm sure being apart has been so hard on you guys! We should hang out soon!

Andrea Lee said...

wow, how awesome. Its looks beautiful there. You're so lucky you got to go! come hang out if you're ever bored or lonely. I REALLY mean that!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Andrea...what a fun trip! You'll remember it forever! You got some great pics!

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

Oh LONDON! I love it there with all my heart! I lived there and studied at Regents College in London and couldn't have fallen in love with it anymore than I did. All those pictures reminded me of how much I miss it! I'm so glad that you could go and experience that with Chris! How fun!

The Thatchers said...

Andrea!! I'm so glad you got to go visit!! Looks like you had tons of fun!! Also, your picture you painted looks DANG good! I can't believe it!!